The plane was coming in at a steep angle.
It was the us plane that abruptly veered at a wide Angle and approached the Chinese plane in its flight. This was the direct cause of the crash of the Chinese plane.
First: the position of the first bolt invariably leads to a greater Angle in the rope as the belayer stands away from the vertical plane.
When it detects the Angle of screen change to a flatter plane, it could automatically enable iOS to use with the touch interface.
Remember that polar coordinates are about replacing x and y as coordinates for a point on a plane by instead r, r and theta,which is the angle measured counterclockwise from the positive x-axis.
A novel noncontact scanner that scans the inspected part's surfaces by changing the Angle between laser plane and optical axis is designed based on optical triangulation.
The ultra wide Angle camera stretches the view to fit into a rectangular plane.
Series GS roller screen which screen face is a plane and all obliquities have the same angle.
The same considerations apply to the correct banking Angle of a plane when it makes a turn in level flight.
A general dynamically permissible velocity field for plane flow is set up in the paper. The force and energy parameters for extrusion (or drawing) are analyzed, and the optimum draw Angle is obtained.
Another potential advantage results from the fact that the plane is already tilted to a large Angle of attack as it rolls down the runway.
The Angle between a linear feature and a horizontal line in a vertical plane containing both lines.
If you could look down upon the solar system plane from outer space, you'd see that the sun, Earth and Jupiter form a 90-degree Angle today.
By the theory of elastoplastic bend, this paper prowents a method to calculate out - of -- plane restraint and reverse deformation that are made use of to remove angle deformation in butt joints.
In this paper, a unified formulation to determine the terminal currents of an arbitrarily bended cable excited by a plane wave at any polarization angle is presented.
The strike, dip, dip angle and position of a fault can directly been gotten by GPR records profiles, but the method cannot be used to describe the features of the fillings in fault plane.
The curvature rate and well curvature plane Angle can be used to make a good description of the influence of the well trajectory parameters on the side fo.
From this, it has been inferred that the strike of the dislocating fault plane of the main shock is NWW. It seems to be a left lateral horizontal slip fault with high dipping Angle.
It is found that the Angle between tumble axis and horizontal plane increases with valve lift. The "tumble" is not a pure tumble, but is a inclined swirl.
The feasibility and the state-of-the-art for laser cutting on a large angle plane are analyzed in the paper.
The curvature rate and well curvature plane Angle can be used to make a good description of the influence of the well trajectory parameters on the side force acting on bit.
Based on the 3d data of vertex, edges and planes, which are obtained from the tri Angle projection of a plane body, the calculation method of the plane body formation is hence worked out.
The Angle between the horizontal plane and a tilted rock bed or fault.
The sails are mounted at an angle or are given a slight twist, so that the force of wind against them has two components, one of which, in the plane of the sails, causes rotation.
And just to give you a sense, if you do a cross-cut of this, you cannot show it from this Angle, but it should really be sort of a dumbbell shape with the nodal plane in between the two nuclei.
In practice, when two elements with "restrained warping" come together at a sharp Angle, you need to couple the displacements and rotations, but leave the out-of-plane warping decoupled.
After the focal plane, the focused hollow beam propagated according to a constant Angle of divergence, the DSS become larger, and the intensity become weaker.
The Angle that a plane makes with the horizontal measured in any randomly oriented section rather than perpendicular to strike.
A good result is obtained in measuring Quartz Crystal plane angle when the method is used in automatic measure& control system of X-ray diffraction goniometer.
In profile, the forehead and muzzle touch on the same vertical plane of a right Angle whose horizontal plane is the top of the skull.