The thief later turned himself in Thursday, a police spokeswoman said.
A police spokeswoman said the torch was extinguished at least once during the relay.
A Victoria Police spokeswoman said there were no reports of any injuries or property damage.
Dalia Dippolito, 26, of South Florida, was charged with solicitation to commit first-degree murder, a police spokeswoman said.
A police spokeswoman said two suspects have been arrested, but did not give additional information about their identities or motive.
A spokeswoman for Greater Manchester Police said up to 200 youths were involved at about 7pm.
A spokeswoman from Nottinghamshire police said: "Throughout the day officers have been assaulted but police remain in control of the site."
A spokeswoman for the Fairfax County Police Department in Virginia said there were no signs of foul play in Mr. Kellermann's death.
"We have someone out there that is armed, it is a dangerous situation," police spokeswoman Kenia Alfonso said.
警方女发言人凯尼亚·阿方索 Kenia Alfonso说,“我们有一些武装人员在那里,情况很危急。”
"This work was neither requested nor drawn up by Acpo and we do not endorse it," said a spokeswoman. "it was put forward by a group of well-meaning police officers with an interest in this area."
Judith Nabakooba, a police spokeswoman, said Mr. Kato's death did not appear to be a hate crime, though the investigation had just started.
The attack took place near the Garden Island Naval Base in Wolloomooloo Bay, which is lined by upmarket restaurants and apartments, a water police spokeswoman said.
A Baoding police spokeswoman who identified herself as Ms. Zhou said in ane-mail that the network obtained the interview because it had been approved by the local party propaganda office.
'We are aware of the increase in actions filed against the Police Department, ' said Connie Pankratz, a law department spokeswoman.
法律部门发言人潘克里兹(Connie Pankratz)说,我们注意到了针对警察的诉讼案的增多;
A police spokeswoman, Christine Coulombe, said the six victims ranged in age from 35 to about 70.
A police spokeswoman, Detective Cheryl Crispin, said in an email the department was "not aware of this arising as a police issue."
"You have to wonder why he went back into the shop in the stolen get-up, " said a spokeswoman for Bielefeld police. "It seems he may not have been the brightest of thieves.
"You have to wonder why he went back into the shop in the stolen get-up, " said a spokeswoman for Bielefeld police. "It seems he may not have been the brightest of thieves.