Separately, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. reiterated its "buy" recommendation on the shares with a price estimate of 750 pence.
Porsche may raise 5 billion euros in the first half of next year, they wrote, giving the shares a price estimate of 65 euros apiece.
The average fan spends $25 – a conservative estimate based on ticket price and souvenirs.
A value model for a software product can be a formula or an algorithm that helps estimate the number of licenses that can be sold, at what price, over the product lifecycle.
The lower price is based on NASA's estimate of the cost for transporting a shuttle from Kennedy Space Center to a major airport, and for displaying it indoors in a climate-controlled building.
A target price is an estimate of a stock's future price based upon an earnings forecast and assumed valuation multiples.
The analysts also raised their estimate for the so-called spot, or cash, price of the ore by 15 percent to $113 a ton for 2010, according to the report.
At the same time, assessing the complexity of the solution will help you come up with a high-level estimate on the price of the solution that you will propose to the client.
Emperor Qianlong's vase that sold in Britain had a price more than 40 times higher than the initial estimate.
On a conservative estimate, food-price rises may reduce the spending power of the urban poor and country people who buy their own food by 20% (in some regions, prices are rising by far more).
But many services and intangible assets, say a unique patent or a global brand, do not have a market price, so it is hard to estimate what they are worth.
We currently have a $27 price estimate for Microsoft, which implies a 4% upside to the current market price of near $26.
The price, paid by a telephone bidder, was almost six times the highest pre-sale estimate.
Using a (conservative) price estimate of $850 an ounce, the fund reckons such a sale would raise about $11 billion.
Georg Fischer AG rallied 7.2 percent to 536 Swiss francs as UBS AG raised its price estimate on the shares 25 percent to 710 francs, citing a successful restructuring plan and growing demand in Asia.
瑞士乔治费歇尔集团(Georg Fischer)股价上涨7.2%,至536瑞士法郎,瑞银集团把该集团的股票预期上调了25%,至710法郎,同时表示费歇尔集团的重组计划取得了成功,在亚洲的需求持续增长。
We did the best that we could to give you a low price. Did you get our recent estimate?
A consumer price index is a statistical estimate of the movement of the prices of goods and services bought for consumption purposes by household.
A consumer price index is a statistical estimate of the movement of the pieces of goods and services bought for consumption purposes by households.
In such situations the repairman might offer a "rough estimate" of the price.
It is rather a difficult issue for statistical agencies how to estimate price index accurately, while quality adjustment is one of those factors which influence the accuracy.
The will required Kathy to estimate the value of Mr. Smith's assets, to sell them for a reasonable price, and then to distribute the proceeds.
The internal price shall generally be a representative wholesale price ruling in the domestic market or an estimate of that price where adequate data is not available.
In the end, it provides a method by option price theory to estimate the costs of construction bond.
The difference between the price for the phone and $3,000 represents one estimate — and a conservative one — of the consumer surplus created by the deflationary effects of Moore's Law.
Still, unbidden, came the thought that Ashley could never make a quick estimate in his head and give a price that was correct, as she could.
Still, unbidden, came the thought that Ashley could never make a quick estimate in his head and give a price that was correct, as she could.