In one year she turned from a problem child into a model student.
Thanks to my English teacher, I turned from a problem child into a model student in just one year.
She was a problem child , always in trouble with the police.
But, in contrast, it is only in modern times that Galileo has become a problem child for historians of science.
Our hope is that if we feed blueberry juice to a child with this type of tumour, we can intervene and shrink the tumour before it becomes a big problem.
But if we have that baseline and show that that child went from 132 to 105, that's a very significant decline and is clear indication of their learning problem.
My mind kept wandering to a bigger problem: what my manager would say when I told him I was expecting my first child.
Cheating as a child is usually just a small problem.
Consider having any child who has a health problem wear a tag around his neck.
Even so, finding and fixing such a problem doesn't necessarily confer the coping skills an anxious child needs to feel comfortable in school.
A new policy document will strive for a common understanding of what a child soldier is that can be used to shape programs, financing and approaches to the problem.
But I think it is a big social problem if they start building state-owned child care everywhere like the Soviet in the 1920's.
Ask a child how they might tackle a problem, or if you don't have a child around think about how you might reformulate a problem so that a child could understand it if one was available.
The standard weight for a child of Ding's age and height should be 30 kg, so she has a serious weight problem.
The problem is that even a relatively small number of people who choose to behave like the child can affect the functioning of the whole.
Child maltreatment is a global problem with serious life-long consequences.
The practical problem of “two supporting four” (a couple from a one-child families supporting four parents) is arising for the young.
This number underestimates the true extent of the problem, as a significant proportion of deaths due to child maltreatment are incorrectly attributed to falls, burns, drowning and other causes.
The child should be sensitized about his health problem and the dangers of consuming even if its a small bite of a restricted food.
He has become more impressed with females in general: Saima had a third child, also a girl, but now that's not a problem.
And the problem for Freud is premature weaning of a child.
But although child psychologists have spent a great deal of time studying this problem, there is not much evidence that television brings about juvenile delinquency.
This works fairly well, but can become a problem in situations where one object references another in a parent-child relationship.
If I were born more recently, my condition would probably have been diagnosed as being "on the autistic spectrum", but then I was a "problem child".
There are a few user space solutions to this problem, such as creating a destructor for the parent class that will release the child object directly.
The problem is that inline markup is treated as a child element, which is technically true, but it does not let you determine the relations between PCDATA nodes and child element nodes.
问题在于将内联标记作为子元素处理,技术上讲这样是对的,但这样却使您不能决定PC DATA节点和子元素节点之间的关系了。
The problem is that inline markup is treated as a child element, which is technically true, but it does not let you determine the relations between PCDATA nodes and child element nodes.
问题在于将内联标记作为子元素处理,技术上讲这样是对的,但这样却使您不能决定PC DATA节点和子元素节点之间的关系了。