They would have been shocked to find that their beloved country had decided to punish industry and enterprise with a progressive income tax.
Under a progressive system, the amount of a tax owed depends both on the person who earns the income and the year in which that income is received.
So I believe in a very progressive tax on income.
QUESTION FROM ERIK DONNELLA: Would you explain a little bit about why a federal sales tax is a bad idea, and what the social value is of a graduated income tax and progressive taxation scheme?
In a progressive tax system, where richer people pay a higher average tax-rate, more income going to top earners automatically means higher tax revenue.
He once flirted with the idea of a "flat", rather than progressive, income tax.
Progressive tax rate, as a major concept in The Taxation, is frequently used in income tax.
Income tax on foreign enterprises shall be assessed at progressive rates for the parts in excess of a specific amount of taxable income.
Income tax on foreign enterprises shall be assessed at progressive rates for the parts in excess of a specific amount of taxable income.