Additional things could include annotating an image to point out a problem or a question to be answered by a doctor at a central hospital.
i.e.: A question to be answered: will the developers prefer to use Hibernate-style Criteria throug Strings, or will they use the newly created StaticMetaModel approach for type safety?
也就是必须要回答一个问题:开发者们会喜欢通过String来使用Hibernate风格的Criteria,还是愿意使用新创建的 StaticMetaModel方式来保证类型安全?
This question will only be answered definitively after more research; however, it is safe to assert that a balanced culture is important.
I've got several emails with a "to be answered in a post" tag that all ask this question - "How do I find the motivation to work at home when I just don't feel like it?"
If the number of business schools continues to rise, and competition becomes fierecer, it is a question that will be answered sooner rather than later.
And there is a strong sense that regulators have answered the subordinate question (how should bankers be paid?) while ignoring the one that matters most to people: how much should they be paid?
But the fact that news Corp. is putting so many resources into this project raises a basic question that has yet to be answered satisfactorily: What should an iPad newspaper look like?
At this point, they both thought that this was going to be a piece of cake, and answered the question with ease.
“请解释原子的结构,本题5分。” 对于这一题,他俩都认为只是小菜一碟,非常轻松的就回答出来了。
Valentine's Day comes once a year, and the question that needs to be answered is, 'How do we keep love alive?'
Why pleasant smells do not reduce pain in men is a question still to be answered by scientists.
There is a question which finally has to be answered, one way or the other.
When a question is asked to someone, it should be answered.
The first time that the question "What is at the bottom of the oceans?" had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed.
HIV testing to resolve patent issues though, but found that HIV is no question of the right to be answered: whether the Gallo lab theft montagny a laboratory strain of the virus?
For any society to ascertain its core value system, the first question to be answered is what kind of thinking methodology to be adopted as a guiding ideology.
If one has a crystal ball to view the future, this question would be answered.
The question, yet to be answered, is whether that was a result of the vagaries of sampling, or because local waters are warming up.
As the native language of Englishmen, how could English spread from such a small island to the whole world? This question can be answered from three aspects.
Scientific research is such that every answered question begs a number of new questions to be answered.
Engineering theses tend to refer to a "problem" to be solved where other disciplines talk in terms of a "question" to be answered.
Hence, their wedding was proclaimed, and the witch answered Arthur's question: What a woman really wants is to be able to be in charge of her own life.
There will be a review session for those of you who care to come given by myself in 26-100 tomorrow night starting at 7 pm going until the last question is answered.
That question can only be answered with logical supposition: when it is impossible to prove the truth or untruth of a thing then truth matters little.
The question whether the renminbi will become a world currency, in my view, is not a question that should be answered by me and l think it is too ear1y now to discuss this question.
The question whether the renminbi will become a world currency, in my view, is not a question that should be answered by me and l think it is too ear1y now to discuss this question.