Note: the query optimizer considers using a functional index when the index expression is used in a relational expression or as an argument to one of the operator class functions.
Update 14 USES the relational column value "CID" in the transform expression to produce a new element "customerid" as the first element under the root element "customerinfo."
To do this, an XPath expression is used to identify the portion of the XML data, normally a specific XML text node, that returns each relational data value.
When using a DMR package in Dynamic Query Mode, a report that contains an expression with any vendor specific relational function will produce an error message similar to the following.
In this paper, a method of lattice transformation is introduced to demonstrate the relational expression between Miller indices and interplanar spacing in base-centered monoclinic lattice.
The credibility of the relational expression is checked using 174 liquefaction and non-liquefaction case histories, which proves the expression has a correct rate of 71.2%.
A simple relational expression can be obtained by calculating results, and can predict breakthrough time.
The paper introduces an Extended Relational Model Database System ERDB and a GIS based on ERDB. We mainly discuss the problems of expression of topology in GIS and recursive query.
The paper introduces an Extended Relational Model Database System ERDB and a GIS based on ERDB. We mainly discuss the problems of expression of topology in GIS and recursive query.