She subscribed liberally to a relief fund.
She subscribed liberally to a relief fund .
The Chancellor of the Exchequer has indicated that he plans to revive a scheme put forward last year by the International Monetary Fund, which has not yet provided any relief.
The fund is therefore more a theoretical construct than the Troubled Asset Relief Program that was created in the United States, and that is where things get tricky.
To help do this, the Treasury has proposed a $30 billion small-business loan fund financed from its much-criticised Troubled Asset Relief Programme (TARP).
为了能帮助做到这点,国库已经计划从它备受批评的“问题资产救助计划(TARP)” 拨出300亿美元用于小企业贷款基金。
And the establishment of a massive international relief fund to help pay for the rehabilitation of Palestinian refugees into their new state.
A pet restaurant opened in Germany recently, offering free food for pets whose owners live on pensions and relief fund.
Items included a suitcase filled with clothes given to her family when they arrived in America, and compensation letters sent to her mother from the Titanic Relief Fund.
One hedge-fund manager who, before the election, was terrified Mr. Obama would usher in “confiscatory” tax policies breathed a sigh of relief.
This unusual project wasn't Pat's first idea of making the world a better place.He first started a website asking people to donate $10 for the Haiti Relief Fund, but that didn't work out very well.
The couple are also co-founders of Crowdrise, a fund-raising charity website which is currently helping generate funds to help the Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami relief fund.
Walton set up a college scholarship fund for employees' children, a disaster relief fund to rebuild employee homes damaged by fires, floods, tornadoes, and the like.
A disaster relief emergency response system has taken initial shape with emergency rescue team system emergency response mechanism and emergency fund appropriation mechanism as its main items.
The company give us a suggestion to subscribe 50 yuan to the relief fund.
The company gave us a suggestion to subscribe 50yuan to relief fund.
On the East Coast, the Island Park Disaster Relief fund was one of many cases where a community in need during Hurricane Sandy raised the funds they desperately needed.
He subscribed a large sum to the relief fund.
He will promote a costume ball which is being given next month for the Archidona Children's Relief Fund.
He will promote a costume ball which is being given next month for the Archidona Children's Relief Fund.