We promise that if the products are sold out in two months, we will place a repeat order right away, at the same quality.
Relational databases are great stores for small chunks of data that don't have any particular order and don't repeat themselves a lot.
They will ask someone to give a version of events. Then they will ask them to go back to their story and repeat the events — but in reverse order.
The tags had to repeat correspondingly in order to generate a well-formed XML document.
In order to ensure that this procrastination does not happen again, I plan to list out everything that I procrastinate on and add a star to everything that is a repeat in a weekly review.
Affirmations are short phrases or sentences you repeat to yourself mentally in order to induce a certain state of mind. the classic one being.
Let me repeat your order. That's a Mac Chicken special and an apple pie.
In order to give the game a longer shelf life and encourage repeat play, there is a passport section that measures your progress.
The order form headquarter sends out an once , arranges a handbook to repeat once more.
In the strictest terms, a rotation will be a set cast order that you will repeat indefinitely as the fight goes on.
The play subject is the play but is not the player. Play is Order and is a move repeat movement.
All right. I'll repeat your order. One black and one white coffee, a piece of cheese cake and a green salad, with French dressing.
A good number of people in order to not repeat a 4-digit number, can not let people know guess.
Owing to a shortage of stock, we regret that we are unable to accept your repeat order. (
In order to invite a repeat of your order No. 128 of March 10, we have just cabled to you the following firm offer.
With a 90 percent repeat order rate, we can assure you that our motors will meet your expectations.
With a 90 percent repeat order rate, we can assure you that our motors will meet your expectations.