After all, that's the logical reason a guy would not want to date exclusively, right?
If he was a photographer, the guy looking for his keys under the streetlight had the right idea.
Because that guy is a real crook and you're doing the right thing going to fight against him. '.
A former CBS News executive derided blogging as "a guy sitting in his living room in his pyjamas writing what he thinks". But the bloggers were right.
Adrian: I bet you've done this for a guy you like. Right?
Here we are, toying with avalanches, backcountry skiing, surfing in rip currents, and then my father is killed because a guy takes off and flies right into a storm. I don't know what to make of it.
He was an all-right teacher and a decent guy.
Later that day, in the late afternoon, I was approached by a young, animated, slightly nervous guy with long, straight, blond hair, who entered my cubicle and walked right up to me.
Can you see right through it when a guy gives you flowers because he's done something stupid, or does it help the situation?
At this point, I want to find a guy who's right for me. I want someone who's going to treat me well and love me.
Because nobody wants be the guy who buys another Bebo, or oversees a sour marriage like AOL Time Warner, or cuts thousands of jobs and throws in the towel, right?
Often, this process begins with a "Linux guy/gal" such as yourself convincing others that it's the right thing to do.
The guy says "You're right. I don't have any money, but if I show you something you haven't seen before, will you give me a drink?"
A guy from the bank asked me I didn't choose Right Media, I had no options.
A girl will never accept the fact that she's beautiful. Not unless the right guy comes along and tells her she is.
If it is really a special issue, there will be a cover person, right? One guy will hold that position without doubt.
Hubbard: : So there's a guy, right there on his Blackberry.
In fact, you can often kill a guy right next to another guy and the other enemy will just keep standing there looking clueless.
In fact, you can often kill a guy right next to another guy and the other enemy will just keep standing there looking clueless.