WebSphere Application Server provides a robust and scalable environment for transaction processing and for managing connections to resource providers.
Using the Voice Toolkit, Voice Server SDK, and VoiceXML, you can design robust speech interfaces using the same infrastructure and logic, just by adding a new set of presentation markup.
Nanoweb is a fast, robust web server written in PHP.
When you require a more robust high availability environment, you should configure a secondary idle container on each Application Server instance for the rollover to fail to.
The BizTalk Server orchestration engine is a robust orchestration engine designed to support enterprise class integration scenario.
The ILOG JRules Rule Execution Server provides a robust, J2SE, and J2EE-compliant execution environment for deploying and executing business rules.
ILOGJRulesRuleExecutionServer提供一个健壮的与 J2SE和J2EE 兼容的执行环境,用于部署和执行业务规则。
For instance, to build a more reliable and robust application, you might want to separate the Web server from the physical application, which will therefore work out-of-process.
The event capture framework with Traceability Server provides a robust, flexible, and scalable approach to capture and store EPCIS events in the Traceability Server.
TraceabilityServer的事件捕捉框架可以以健壮、灵活且可伸缩的方式捕捉EPCIS事件并把它们存储在Traceability Server中。
IBM WebSphere application server is a robust, enterprise class application server that provides a core set of components, resources, and services that developers can utilize in their applications.
Every Web server that offers a Web services solution has to invest a lot in terms of creating a robust Web service infrastructure model.
为创建一个健壮的Web服务基础架构模型,每个提供 Web服务解决方案的 Web服务器都必须做出极大投入。
A robust, scalable and secure execution engine for rule-based applications, with a managed deployment and monitoring environment (rule execution Server).
执行引擎强大、可扩充,而且安全,适用于规则型应用程序,随附受管理的部署及监控环境(RuleExecution Server)。
Informix Innovator-C Edition is an Informix database server providing a robust and powerful database environment, able to support the most demanding production workloads.
InformixIn novator - C Edition是一个Informix数据库服务器,提供强大可靠的数据库环境,能够支持要求很高的生产工作负载。
However, the Informix Innovator-C Edition is a full-function Informix data server, providing a robust and powerful database environment and the most widely used data processing functionality required.
但是,InformixIn novator - C Edition是一个功能齐备的Informix数据服务器,提供强大可靠的数据库环境,以及所需的大部分使用最广泛的数据处理功能。
Through careful configuration, you can create a robust highly secure environment using WebSphere Application Server.
Now may be the time to think about moving this data to a more robust database such as SQL Server or Oracle.
Now may be the time to think about moving this data to a more robust database such as SQL Server or Oracle.