Clearly a society built on consumption will have to pay more attention to saving.
Since April 2009 volunteers from the Chiltern Society, a local charity, have worked to clear scrub and brambles there, saving a crumbling Iron Age fort.
Contracting energy sources management is a new energy-saving mechanism based on market mechanism, and it is also a very important action to construct a resource-saving society.
Saving lives has always been an important mission of science. Now science, and indeed all society, is facing a new dilemma: whether save more lives through human cloning.
And several advices have been given out on how to build such a resources saving society in energy field.
The processes and effects of water saving society establishment is reflected in water-rich areas through a description to the production function.
It also demands to build up a society of saving resource and environment friendship.
What China must realize is that such saving has limited value, both for families and society, if it comes at the cost of a second child and hence China's ability to reproduce. Mr.
Research on decoupling of economic growth and energy consumption helps to build a resource saving society, and change the mode of economic growth.
It is difficult to building a conservation-minded society, if there is no saving the family.
It is impossible to construct a resource-saving society without the formation of national notion of saving.
Setting up a water-saving society is a basic policy of our country and also the strategic choice to solve water resources problems of the Hexi Corridor.
Under the context of building a conservation-oriented society, hospital energy saving should be attended.
The paper holds that Jiangsu forestry has a lot of things to do in the construction of resource-saving society.
Hence, we can make up a series of measures to better its role to establish a resource-saving and environment-friendly society.
In the implementation of Heihe river basin management, to build a water-saving society is an approach, especially agricultural water saving is the key.
To solve the problems of water supply - demand contradiction and sustainable utilizing of water resource, one of the most effective and prominent methods is to establish a "water-saving society".
It is necessary to restudy and redesign the exploitation of water resources to construct a water-saving society in which human being and the nature...
Coupled with energy shortages in today's society, energy conservation has become increasingly important, and energy-saving products have become a trend.
While create a better society with great efforts, a strong sense of responsibility lead us to let our resins products to develop towards environmental protection and energy saving.
The widespread use of Underpinning's technology has played a positive role in the construction of environmental and the process of saving society in our country.
The utility model has the characteristics of water saving, draining reduction and energy saving, thus meeting the needs of building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society.
Still, the self-saving force of the society was not well-constructed, sometimes even suppressed, which is likely to lead to a bigger loss in bigger disasters.
The characteristics of water conservation, emission reduction and energy saving of the novel flushing method are suitable for establishing a resource-saving and environment-friendly society.
The characteristics of water conservation, emission reduction and energy saving of the novel flushing method are suitable for establishing a resource-saving and environment-friendly society.