As I gave her a modest amount of money to make her life a little easier, a man swinging a machete burst out of the forest, screaming that he was her husband.
He totally flipped out — he was hopping around like a crazy man, screaming and yelling out in the middle of the street.
Captain Liu Xiang Ping, 40, said: "This man was screaming for help, it was a miracle.
As this man is smiling and having a good time screaming on his cell phone in bus, those around him maybe just want silence after a long hard day of work and just want some peace and quiet.
A man went to the dentist, sat in the chair and immediately began Shouting and screaming.
The popular caricature paints Jobs as a brilliant, driven man-child running around Apple in sandals and shorts, screaming at underlings while trying to build the perfect digital machine.
The popular caricature paints Jobs as a brilliant, driven man-child running around Apple in sandals and shorts, screaming at underlings while trying to build the perfect digital machine.