So Concise Idiomatic Usage of Basic English Vocabulary should be offered as a selected course for students of the English departments of teachers colleges and universities.
In computer systems we assert a clarification that a policy is a "course of action selected from alternatives in light of given conditions".
The team paddles the kayaks whilst running the radar, over the carefully selected 25 kilometer course along a meltwater channel which runs down the middle of the glacier's floating ice shelf.
In this scenario, the process of preparing the data starts over each time a course is selected. After the same sequence of events described above, the console would now read.
Your first venture into CRUD operations is to show the details of a single course selected from the course listing.
That home was in an affluent suburb of a nondescript garrison town, perhaps selected for its very anonymity and, of course, its good communications and ease of access to the tribal zones.
A policy is a definite course or method of action selected from alternatives, and in light of given conditions, to guide and determine decisions.
Of course you could use a third special image for the currently selected (active) item. Then you would just use a third rule like this.
Of course you could use a third special image for the currently selected item too. Then you would just use a third rule like this.
Below is a list of useful references and selected periodicals on topics related to the course.
The assigned readings in this course have been selected to provide a balance of principles, tools and applications.
This course features selected lecture notes. In addition to assignments, a projects section is also available. The course also features an extensive list of readings and related resources.
This course features a chronology of the readings with selected student responses, and the assignments and final projects from the class.
This course includes selected lecture notes, a student project and related resources.
The addition of a club or clubs must not unduly delay play (Rule 6-7) and must not be made by borrowing any club selected for play by any other person playing on the course.
The material, selected and organized for a one-semester course, is presented with pairs of pages addressing particular topics.
This course includes selected lecture notes, links to related resources and a complete set of assignments with solutions.
Course duration: This course is on-going and in the process on training, potential candidates will be selected for Singapore's employment on a monthly basic.
But for two consecutive years since 2003, none of the courses submitted by these universities has been selected as a National Top-Course.
Student research and presentations will focus on urban housing in a selected city, and will be submitted as research papers at the end of the course.
The course of Selected Readings on Current Affairs is characterized by a broad range of resource materials, fresh content, comprehensive training, and capability of practical use.
Results a total of 72 patients were selected. Among them, 69 patients completed the course of treatment.
Results a total of 72 patients were selected. Among them, 69 patients completed the course of treatment.