By introducing the idea of using RBAC itself to manage RBAC, a new self-administrative delegation model APBDM is presented on the basis of PBDM, and its main idea and architecture are discussed.
在PBDM 代理模型的基础上,引入RBAC自身管理RBAC的思想,提出一种新的具有自我管理能力的授权代理模型APBDM。
By introducing the idea of using RBAC itself to manage RBAC, a new self-administrative delegation model APBDM is presented on the basis of PBDM, and its main idea and architecture are discussed.
在PBDM 代理模型的基础上,引入RBAC自身管理RBAC的思想,提出一种新的具有自我管理能力的授权代理模型APBDM。