A self-described "Jeffersonian Marxist," Stone combined progressive politics, investigative zeal and a compulsion to tell the truth with a commitment to human rights and the exposure of injustice.
This turned the self-described “mean, miserable SOB” into a hero in his adopted state (he was born in Indianapolis in 1923 and moved to Alaska in 1953).
A self-described humorous raconteur, he told the ambassador he would often walk out of meetings early after having his say, or if he felt forced to stay he would write poetry rather than take notes.
Mr Miller was a master-sergeant in the army and a self-described redneck when he joined his first white racist group in 1974.
Michelle, a self-described “perfectionist, ” also has her life mapped out.
Mrs. Paul was a stay-at-home mom, longtime Girl Scout troop leader and self-described “busybody” who prided herself on knowing exactly what everyone was doing.
One man described his long, uneventful career at an insurance company and concluded, “Wish my self-profile was more exciting, but it's a little late now.
Ms Moore is a self-described "magazine optimist" who thinks that holding a glossy magazine beats looking at a screen.
Within hours, another self-described Tiger faction, quoting the Tigers' intelligence arm, released a statement that said, the “LTTE leadership is safe and it will re-emerge when the right time comes”.
Also, if my own self, or my own children, or my own friends did such a thing in their life, it's easy to excuse it if the circumstances were as I described.
The genesis for this event came fromMark Hollis, the athletic director at Michigan State, a self-described “madscientist” and visionary for hosting games in bizarre locations.
The up-to-date term for this is self-care, and the old term described those children easily identified by the key hanging from a string around their neck.
He detoxed decades before it was fashionable, going from a self-described terrible father to an exemplary one-the world's most famous househusband, pioneering again.
Eduardo Galeano, one of the continent's most eminent writers and a self-confessed football lover described him in Soccer in Sun and shadow.
In one of Wiseman's surveys, 80 percent of self-described lucky people told him their intuition played a key role in their career choices-some 20 percent more than in the "unlucky" group.
The details of the Digital Text Platform, which is described as "a fast and easy self-publishing tool," is available in a currently obscure corner at Amazon.
The Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architectures—Although self-described as a framework, is actually more accurately defined as a taxonomy for for organizing architectural artifacts.
The LulzSec team of self-described "evil bastards" wrote in a press release that it preferred to abuse more ordinary folks and organisations for "a jolt of satisfaction".
And she should know. She's a self-described "scary disease" reporter who's been following around Centers for disease Control detectives for years, tracking drug-resistant staph A.K.A.
Mr. Yang first encountered stories of Jiabiangou’s horrors as a self-described idealistic youth working on a collective farm in the 1960s, and though he was unbelieving at first, they stuck with him.
Gracer, a self-described “geeky poet/nature boy” who teaches composition at a community college in Providence, Rhode Island, has made it his duty to persuade ordinary Americans to eat insects.
Robert Verdi, a fashion stylist and a host of Surprise by Design, a makeover reality show on the Discovery Channel, is a self-described xoxo offender.
The articles described the most important personality traits of entrepreneurs and franchise owners and offered a self-evaluation exercise to enable readers to determine if they had the right stuff.
As a self-described "scholar, " Fang says he was only doing the right thing, and anyway, sticks and stones.
System structure, operating principle and control algorithm of a self-balancing robot are described.
July's Flowers is more than just a flower shop. The self-described floral lifestyle platform crafts custom bouquets, flower arrangements, and even offers events and wedding planning services.
An approach to the hierarchical representation of self-embedded waveform by a feature tree based on peak dominance relations is proposed and a waveform parsing system is described.
At the end of his life, the self-described closet rabbi was still planning his future, including a new work for the Bastille Opera in Paris.
At the end of his life, the self-described closet rabbi was still planning his future, including a new work for the Bastille Opera in Paris.