If we try to call the powerOn operation again with the same serial number it will fail, since the Running state does not have a transition associated with powerOn coming out of it.
Bank of America, a serial acquirer at home, sold its big Latin American operation in 2006.
The operation principle of two-stage serial data bus for Shanghai GM Buick GL car was introduced in this paper, a special trouble diagnosis and shooting was also discussed.
The serial data stream from the DOUT pin has a channel identifier bit and a mode identifier bit, which provide information about the channel converted and the current mode of operation.
The content of workflow is a serial of connection with each parts, taking action of operation activity or mission automatically.
Methods The 6 cases all had complete clinical and laboratory data as well as a serial and high resolution CT(HRCT) findings correlated with lung operation results.
Method 300 is an example of the operation of rules for intercepting network devices in a serial cluster.
For the CPU serial operation mode, it is a very time-consuming process to obtain the inverse of large-scale matrix.
For the CPU serial operation mode, it is a very time-consuming process to obtain the inverse of large-scale matrix.