The road was covered with a sheet of ice.
The lake was covered with a sheet of ice.
Be careful, the pavement's like a sheet of ice.
As Herman Engleheart, a co-author from the California Institute of Technology says, "the West Antarctic ice sheet disappear once and can disappear again."
Scientists agree that the key player in this scenario is the West Antarctic ice sheet, a Brazil-size mass of frozen water that is as much as 7000 feet thick.
Placea sphere of nuclear waste in a stable ice sheet and it could melt its way down, the ice re-solidifying behind it.
A flotilla of icebergs, some as jagged as fairytale castles and others as smooth as dinosaur eggs, calve from the ice sheet that smothers Greenland and sail down the fjords.
The melting has been recorded since 1979; scientists put the annual net loss of ice and water from the ice sheet at 300-400 gigatonnes, which could hasten a sea level rise of catastrophic proportions.
Melt along the southern edge of Greenland's ice sheet is now moving up its northwest coast, a new study shows.
An ice age has been blamed for the extinctions - a huge ice sheet in the southern hemisphere caused climate change and a fall in sea level, and messed with the chemistry of the oceans.
Westerners may shrug at the decline of traditional hunting but, in a sense, we all live on the Greenland ice sheet now.
Defrosting ice formed over the sea shatters and crackles like a sheet of breaking glass.
A massive iceberg juts from the stark expanse of an ice sheet as an orange moon looks on in the Bellingshausen Sea near Antarctica.
Many glaciologists believe that within a few decades, the Greenland ice sheet may reach a point of no return, after which its near-total meltdown becomes inevitable.
A fresh coat of summer snow would have protected the ice sheet, but little snow fell.
The southern tributary actually drains a larger portion of Greenland's central ice sheet, so a retreat there could lead to a more substantial ice discharge.
Such a rise would bring a high risk of major extinctions, threats to food supplies and the near-total collapse of the huge Greenland ice sheet.
The three glaciers that Hamilton and Stearns measured account for about a fifth of the discharge from the entire Greenland ice sheet.
Whether acceleration of melting from the Greenland Ice Sheet will continue, he added, is a big question mark.
As a primary outlet for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, the Pine Island Glacier is one of the largest sources of uncertainty in global sea level rise projections.
This gives us an idea of how fast a large ice sheet can melt.
The 2007 report predicted a sea level rise of 30cm-60cm by 2100, but did not account for the impact of glaciers breaking into the sea from areas such as the Greenland ice sheet.
A 2009 study found that the Greenland ice sheet shed roughly 385 cubic miles of ice over the previous seven years.
That is why a team from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was surprised when they lowered a video camera to get the first long look at the underbelly of an ice sheet in Antarctica.
The continental sheet sent out a vast – and final – armada of floating ice, which covered much of the northern seas.
9/17The year saw a flood of scientific papers showing Arctic ice and the Greenland ice sheet is melting faster than ever, leading to a race for the new riches of the Arctic.
9/17 这一年,大量的科学论文阐述了北极冰层和格陵兰冰雪融化的速度比以往任何时候的快,创造了北极融化英尺数新高。
The survey confirmed the West Antarctic ice sheet is melting rapidly with the loss of around 132bn tonnes of ice a year, but revealed unexpected melting in the larger East Antarctic ice sheet.
The survey confirmed the West Antarctic ice sheet is melting rapidly with the loss of around 132bn tonnes of ice a year, but revealed unexpected melting in the larger East Antarctic ice sheet.