From a simple gesture or the speaker's tone of voice, the Japanese listener gleans the whole meaning.
A lot of people forget how a simple gesture can mean a lot to someone.
Kindness only takes a simple gesture, and results in a better quality of life for everyone who is touched by it.
It seems to be a simple gesture but she was so happy to do it and I was so happy to have it that I could never forget it.
Finally, keep your hands to yourself, even if you are just trying to make a simple gesture to accompany what you have to say.
Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has developed an unprecedented VR payment technology, which allows users to pay for goods and services with a simple gesture.
It was a simple enough gesture, but symbolically important.
Without gesture support, simple things that you need to do all the time on mobile devices - such as zooming out on content, repositioning, then zooming back in is a complex process.
Holding hands is a simple, intimate gesture that easily expresses love, and sometimes we forget it.
Beyond simple words, the effort involved in creating a unique gesture helps to convey sincere feelings of regret and remorse.
While adorned with a few on-screen buttons and simple gesture support, the Storm is much less of an iPhone-like experience than, say, the T-Mobile G1.
You also find that each line, each vertex has an echo, it expands to something else; a change of color or texture, or a simple line drawn over the floor. Another gesture that connects with the whole.
This abstract, sculptural form conceals much of the mass and various program within the building, presenting a bold and simple gesture to the public.
Words, ideas, concepts, even as simple a thing as a gesture-these can have very different meanings in our two cultures.
The beauty of kindness is that one simple gesture can make a difference.
The beauty of kindness is that one simple gesture can make a difference.