This paper studies the nonlinear motion law of a simple pendulum with damping factor.
Methods: A brain concussion was produced in rats using a simple pendulum device model.
A more precision formula for the period of a simple pendulum is obtained by using the method of variable be partly fixed.
This is a simple pendulum model of the bifurcation behavior of the bifurcation diagram, is my collection, for your reference.
Do the tangential force, the mormal force, the resultant force and their directions during oscillation of a simple pendulum change?
Analytical approximate periods and periodic solutions to large amplitude oscillation of a simple pendulum are constructed using a new method.
To state the restoring force of a simple pendulum during oscillation is the resultant force of the gravity of the ball and the pulling force of the thread is wrong .
Under the action of random exciting displacement, the response of a simple pendulum with large displacement was studied in this paper by means of nonlinear spectral analysis.
A variable length simple pendulum model is introduced, elementary analysis and perturbation analytic solution of nonlinear differential equation for parametric resonance are presented.
采用可变长度单摆的力学模型对秋千振荡给出初等分析,采用微扰近似法导出了秋千的非线性参数共振解析解, 并进行了讨论。
An excellent approximate solution of the motion of a nonlinear simple pendulum is obtained by the method of Green's function.
An excellent approximate solution of the motion of a nonlinear simple pendulum is obtained by the method of Green's function.