After lessons we had a small cup of coffee and half a piece of brown bread, then half an hour's play, then homework.
"Give me any kind of weapon that no longer works, I can make it work perfectly again," he says with a small smile, holding his coffee cup close.
To get one, you have to fill up a small card with 24 stickers - each sticker represents one cup of coffee bought in Starbucks.
Cold nights sitting alone at the window, Paoshang difficult to drink a cup of coffee, a small courtyard in front of the fallen leaves, the quietly in a daze.
"The owners of the coffee business wanted to bring serious artesian coffee to their customers in a small space, emphasising focus on just a good cup of coffee, " said Kwan and Sun.
She seated herself at a small table. A waiter came at once to take her order. She ordered six oysters, a chop, something sweet, a glass of wine and a cup of coffee.
Strong espresso-like coffee in a small cup, long coffee with a lot of milk or accompanied by milk foam, served in large take-out cups or in cappuccino cups... Mosaic has something for everyone!
On her back home in the trin that evening she felt hungry because she had such a small lunch that she went along to the buffet car for another sandwich and a cup of coffee.
On her back home in the trin that evening she felt hungry because she had such a small lunch that she went along to the buffet car for another sandwich and a cup of coffee.