On the other hand, this estimate is based on a small sample.
Isn't it dangerous to base decisions on information from a small sample of people?
Isn't this a big conclusion for such a small sample?
In rare cases, a small sample of inflamed skin may be taken.
Here is a small sample, which draws a color gradient on the title bar.
This is only a small sample of the many times animal data have failed us.
And with us here tonight, we see just a small sample of those contributions.
This is what I wrote it myself, in the lectures with a small sample program.
In a small sample of its fossil, the scientists found two types of melanosomes.
First, 30 patients is quite a small sample, so the results should be treated cautiously.
But usability tests force you to make assumptions based on a small sample of customers.
Our site is a small sample of the kind of production capacity that we are capable of. Enjoy.
The constraints we defined represent just a small sample of the validation that Grails offers.
You can use a small sample of test data to check to see if the logic of the assembly is correct.
It also celebrates the work that is being done, of which the contributions here are a small sample.
During a liver biopsy, a small sample of liver tissue is collected and examined under the microscope.
Those are admittedly fine distinctions from a small sample, but I would argue that it's the trend that counts.
The complete translation table is available for download. A small sample of the 128 KB file looks like this
可以 下载完整的转换表。
To show how the issues listed above can be resolved, we will look at a small sample J2EE application, called MyBank.
为了展示如何解决上面列出的问题,我们将考虑一个小型的J2EE应用程序,我们将其称作为My Bank。
Outside the Scripps Institution of Oceanography lies a small sample of garbage fished from far out in the Pacific Ocean.
In some cases, a doctor may want to look at a small sample of heart tissue, called a biopsy, to make a definite diagnosis.
Many people was asking how to change the title bar of a window. Here is a small sample, which draws a color gradient on the title bar.
U of m professor Dr. Brent Coker also surveyed a small sample of office workers (300 to be exact) and came to a rather different conclusion.
Bernardi's study is limited by a small sample size and uniformity between participants-all were healthy Caucasians between the ages of 24 and 26.
贝尔纳迪的研究由于参与者的样本量小和一致性而受限——都是年龄在24 - 26的健康白种人。
In their experiment, Tao and Huang showed that applying a 1.3 T magnetic pulse to a small sample of blood can significantly reduce it's viscosity.
In their experiment, Tao and Huang showed that applying a 1.3 T magnetic pulse to a small sample of blood can significantly reduce it's viscosity.