For example, if you want to make new friends at a social event, you will want to appear friendly.
Don't turn it into a social event.
It's good exercise and a social event at the same time.
On some events a social event is organised for speakers and exhibitors.
Nowadays, Holi is celebrated as a social event in many parts of the world.
You do well organizing group activities, be it a party, a meeting or a social event.
A generation is defined by its social consciousness and how it is impacted by a social event.
In fact, in many professions, important business transactions are initiated at a social event.
Book a class in advance and try to make it a social event so you're more likely to stick to your plan.
He recommends turning it into a social event in which you and your friends split the costs-and the bounty.
If you're waiting for rock concert tickets and the line itself is a social event, you may camp out there overnight.
At this time you may be called on to write a large check for a social event or to spend on behalf of a child.
At a social event, at what point do you want to leave-as soon as you get there or after the last person has left?
Because a restaurant's atmosphere is friendly and there are distractions, it is easy to forget this is not a social event.
If possible, schedule time with a sweetheart or a group of PALS to attend a social event that has something to do with the arts.
This suggests that a romantic relationship may become clarified, or that you may have to decline going to a social event because of the hefty costs involved.
Since my day is my own, I can work out without rushing, and that allows me to get to know the other members of my gym, which means it's a social event as well.
What started as a gathering of educated scientists in Uganda has turned into a social event that is changing the health behaviour of people in poor, rural communities.
And, they guarantee a reserve of energy so that the working day isn't followed by an evening in which he falls asleep on the couch watching TV or at a social event.
It has become not only a culinary event, but a social event as well, where people get together to celebrate national holidays, birthdays, and other special occasions.
This week brings a most lyrical communication of Mars and Jupiter on May 26 when a social event or communication from someone in an international setting will set your heart aglow.
It appears that money will be either a bone of contention with a friend or lover, or a source of worry, perhaps because you are planning to participate in a social event that will prove quite costly.
It appears that money will be either a bone of contention with a friend or lover, or a source of worry, perhaps because you are planning to participate in a social event that will prove quite costly.