His goal for Kojima Productions: A software house that can compete with the best of the best from America and Europe.
First-half profits at two of the cluster's flagship firms-arm, a designer of computer chips, and Autonomy, a software house-rose by 102% and 24%, respectively, compared with the same period last year.
They designed a software system that would control an Electronic House of the Future (EHOF).
Building an Internet company on a foundation consisting of proprietary software owned by others is akin to building a house without owning the land under it.
Aware that there would be trouble in the markets the following day, Sants told the London Clearing House to call off a planned software change to its systems.
桑茨意识到第二天市场将会出现波动,他让伦敦结算所(London Clearing House)取消改变其系统软件的计划。
An artist who grew up in Racine, Ms. Scekic now has a studio downtown; Mr. Osborne, a software developer, is commuting from Chicago until they sell their house there.
Many Banks are struggling to get software development teams to work together efficiently, and that could be a remote in-house team or an outsourced development team.
Many computer programmers are accomplished musicians; it's the rare software company that can't put together a decent house band.
Mark built a software program that allowed the computers in the house and the office to send messages to one another.
Use in house software developers or hire outside website development contractors to build a custom-designed e-commerce site.
Stop thinking about your software as a project. Start thinking about it as a house you will live in for a long time.
On the basis of the house potential safety hazard investigation data, fuzzy mathematical techniques are adopted to develop a software system for safety assessment on existing houses.
You needed a design house. You needed software guys.
It is obviously in their best interests to make acquired software look as though it belongs, as a first-class offering, alongside products developed in-house.
Another feature of this system is that the software in-house information systems, Trader, a senior who will operate the proposed immediate release.
I designed my house it is a free, easy to use home design software effect, the school that will.
Then, using a combination of in-house software, in-depth experience of engine management software, and processor instruction sets the maps of interest are identified.
Then, using a combination of in-house software, in-depth experience of engine management software, and processor instruction sets the maps of interest are identified.