Israel is a sovereign state, and the historic homeland of the Jewish people.
What should the rules be for treating dynamic business that are appendages of a sovereign state?
Chaotic Somalia spectacularly fails to meet this criterion, yet still counts as a sovereign state.
So we have to be careful when we try to butt in to the internal affairs of a sovereign state.
Because it is different from the authority of a sovereign state with the consent or common will.
It is different from not only a sovereign state, but other global and regional international organization.
We seek a future where Palestinians live in a sovereign state of their own, with no limit to what they can achieve.
A nation - state is a sovereign state in which the people and the state are an entity and whose score is this people.
To set up an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) is the right of a sovereign state and we don't need other countries to make Suggestions.
Because China, as a sovereign state, is entitled to choose its preferred means of dispute resolution - a legitimate right under international law.
And in such a world, even a sovereign state will be endangered either from other states or from groups and individuals devoted to terror and destruction.
Issues traditionally thought to be managed only by a sovereign state or to be related to national sovereignty have now been transferred to the European Union.
Subsequently omitted from a succession of treaties-including Italy's Act of Unification of 1861-its 350-odd residents today claim to live in a sovereign state.
The relations among the four members are not only the relations of equal members within the WTO regime but also the relations of different customs regions within a sovereign State.
Let me talk for a while about some of the formal features of Hobbes' sovereign power, of the Hobbesian state.
Sovereign defaults would also harm Hypo Real Estate, a bust German property and public-finance bank that is now owned by the state.
The affairs of a country should be handled by its own people, no country should be allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of any other sovereign state on whatever excuses.
They are confronted by sovereign defaults in Europe, China's boom, the risk of a double dip and state intervention in markets, not least quantitative easing in America.
These restrictions, theysaid, would undermine the very feasibility of a sovereign Palestinian state.
The Palestinians say the settlements interfere with plans for a sovereign Palestinian state.
European Union is regarded as the national association, it is not a typical international organization, and also it has some obvious difference with sovereign state.
The restoration or safeguarding of world peace is a global responsibility rather than the sole business of each sovereign state.
The declared aim of the talks is to create a sovereign Palestinian state alongside a secure Israel.
The declared aim of the talks is to create a sovereign Palestinian state alongside a secure Israel.