She had to make a split-second decision.
That threw me off too. Was pretty excited for a split-second.
There was never any question of detaining or capturing him-it wasn't a split-second decision.
Leaders must, at any point, be willing to make a split-second decision with potentially long-lasting and profound impacts.
And the cellphone that took a split-second dip in Brazilian waters? Well, a device could have sucked the moisture right out of it.
So, I told them about that little boy who had made a split-second decision that helping a friend up was more important than winning a blue ribbon.
Her gaze met Michael's for a split second.
Their eyes met for a split second.
Every thought that you have affects your body chemistry within a split second.
Text, music, images and video can be transferred around the globe in a split second.
Conveyers and robots take the evolving computer from station to station; each unit arrives in front of a worker a split second after she has finished with the previous one.
While these steps are presented separately, the activities may all have to take place in a few moments, some in a split second.
A photograph that records a split second from a lifetime is a very thin slice indeed. How could it predict a divorce decades in the future?
然而一张照片上记录的只是一个人一生中短短的一瞬间,薄薄的一张照片怎么能预计十年后的一次离婚呢 ?
Then as you grow your eyes move smoothly down the line like a lawn mower, then you stop a split second on a word, then start back up again.
Here are 12 cautionary online tales that serve to remind us how garden variety office gossip and misinformation can now go global in a split second.
When the fingers slipped up, they paused a split second longer than usual before typing the next letter. But they didn't pause when fake typos appeared on-screen only.
The results revealed the participants' estimates of aggression correlated highly with the actual aggressive behaviour of the men - even if they only saw the picture for a split second.
Somehow I saw it out of the corner of my eye and jerked her over onto my lap a split second before it crashed on the spot where she had been sitting.
Lifting your front foot first to take a step backwards will take you slightly off balance for a split second and that's all your opponent will need.
It took me a split second to decide that I could quickly sell our furniture and move.
For a split second it makes you think... and then it's gone.
Sometimes you will be just out somewhere and all of a sudden, a beautiful, profound idea will enter your thoughts in a split second.
He can have had only a split second to realise what was about to happen.
The thought really crossed my mind for a split second - 'there is no way' [I am going to catch up].
He had read the biographical sketches of all of the forty-one lawyers in the firm, and in a split second he had recalled that Lamar Quin had gone to Kansas State.
The values of the parameter must be dynamic to get a dynamic Web service to change its status from external to internal, or vice versa, in a split second.
The values of the parameter must be dynamic to get a dynamic Web service to change its status from external to internal, or vice versa, in a split second.