Their eyes met for a split second.
Her gaze met Michael's for a split second.
Every thought that you have affects your body chemistry within a split second.
Violation of a split second, accident in an instant.
For a split second it makes you think... and then it's gone.
The lightning flash lasted a split second, and then disappeared.
He can have had only a split second to realise what was about to happen.
It took me a split second to decide that I could quickly sell our furniture and move.
Text, music, images and video can be transferred around the globe in a split second.
Suddenly, their shadows turned shallower, shorter till disappeared in a split second.
And in a split second a drunk driver had ripped the life of that little boy to pieces.
Our eyes and brains together do it in a split second, without conscious effort on our part.
The thought really crossed my mind for a split second - 'there is no way' [I am going to catch up].
Time is made up of a split second product, good at using sporadic time person, will make better results.
Time is made up of a split second product, good at using sporadic time person, will make greater achievement.
While these steps are presented separately, the activities may all have to take place in a few moments, some in a split second.
Sometimes you will be just out somewhere and all of a sudden, a beautiful, profound idea will enter your thoughts in a split second.
The airship angles straight up a split second before reaching the end of the trench, hurtling vertically toward the outer atmosphere.
A photograph that records a split second from a lifetime is a very thin slice indeed. How could it predict a divorce decades in the future?
然而一张照片上记录的只是一个人一生中短短的一瞬间,薄薄的一张照片怎么能预计十年后的一次离婚呢 ?
Repeat Step 2 but this time, do it moderately fast with holding the breath for only a split second. You may need to increase the force.
Then as you grow your eyes move smoothly down the line like a lawn mower, then you stop a split second on a word, then start back up again.
The disciple replied, "This donkey is better than a mason, for it can break things in a split second what a mason has made over a long time."
弟子答言:“此驴胜于瓦师。 瓦师久时所作瓦器,少时能破。”
Some of the bulls weigh over 2000 pounds (900 kilos) and can throw a rider off in a split second - and may even stomp on the rider afterwards.
Somehow I saw it out of the corner of my eye and jerked her over onto my lap a split second before it crashed on the spot where she had been sitting.
Here are 12 cautionary online tales that serve to remind us how garden variety office gossip and misinformation can now go global in a split second.
Lifting your front foot first to take a step backwards will take you slightly off balance for a split second and that's all your opponent will need.
The values of the parameter must be dynamic to get a dynamic Web service to change its status from external to internal, or vice versa, in a split second.
The values of the parameter must be dynamic to get a dynamic Web service to change its status from external to internal, or vice versa, in a split second.