Earlier this year, the team put Clemmons's unlikely theory to the test, using a 40-square-metre rectangular nylon sail.
Einstein looked down and found that Newton was standing on a square floor board with one metre long and one metre wide. He didn't understand.
Using a coated aluminium mesh, he conservatively estimates that it is possible to collect about one litre of water daily from a mesh of one square metre.
The $7.5m, 22,000-square-foot (6,700-square-metre) facility is one of Planned Parenthood's biggest, and is expected to treat 25,000 patients a year.
SMUGGLED away in the northern reaches of Mumbai is a 19,000-square-metre (200,000-square-foot)playground for chemists and biologists.
SMUGGLED away in the northern reaches of Mumbai is a 19, 000-square-metre (200, 000-square-foot) playground for chemists and biologists.
Mr Gehry, with his shock of Einstein-white hair, was a stickler for detail. No two parts of the 24, 000 square metre (258, 000 square foot) leviathan could be the same-or even symmetrical.
Once there, they use tape measures, callipers and a hand-held laser to measure the heights and girths of all the trees within a 500-square-metre plot.
They estimate one square metre of glass will cost only a few cents to treat.
The Ramada Plaza Hechuan is envisaged to feature four food and beverage outlets and 1, 200 square metres of meeting space including a 600-square-metre ballroom.
The Ramada Plaza Dazu is expected to feature five food and beverage outlets and 1, 400 square metres of meeting space, including a 580-square-metre ballroom.
A web of security cameras, metal detectors, beam sensors and bullet-proof screens will reinforce security in the three-storey, 3, 000 square-metre building.
And the company has now signed a deal with Petroleum Development Oman for 7 megawatts of plant-a 16, 000-square-metre greenhouse providing some 57 billion btu of steam a year.
而且该公司现在已经与阿曼石油开发公司签署了7兆瓦工厂的协议- - -一个16000平方米的温室,每年大约提供570亿百万英(制)热单位(BTU)的蒸汽。
The 740, 000 square-foot (69, 000 square-metre) building has a 1, 960 foot long main assembly floor, with a railway line running through the door—handy if you are making locomotives.
The company already has a 100-square-metre working prototype at Paignton Zoo in Devon, producing rapid-cycle leaf vegetable crops, such as lettuce, for the zoo’s animals.
The 250-square-metre building previously featured a mobile crane, which was attached to the gabled-ceiling for lifting furniture.
Once there, they use tape measures, callipers and a hand-held laser to measure the heights and girths of all the trees within a 500-square-metre plot.
A 15 x15 metre square, it ensures sunlight for all the rooms and acts as a kind of green lung.
Once there, they use tape measures, callipers and a hand-held laser to measure the heights and girths of all the trees within a 500-square-metre plot.
They decided to divide their 50-square-metre allowance into 23 small plant beds, each containing a sweet gum tree.
The 240-square-metre apartment is accessible via the lower level through a double-height entrance hall with a skylight.
Rather than tearing down the 160-square-metre building, the architects opted to renovate it. "The building was revitalised from a state of deterioration, " said the firm.
The 3,250-square-metre facility, which achieved an energy efficiency LEED rating of gold, features a green roof with a climbing wall, observation point and an amphitheater.
The 255-square-metre building has a relatively simple layout, divided up into three rectilinear blocks.
The 55-square-metre plan offers enough space for five guests. It includes two bedrooms, a lounge, bathroom and terrace.
A wooden door frame and rafters form part of the structural framework for the 32.5-square-metre space.
A wooden door frame and rafters form part of the structural framework for the 32.5-square-metre space.