Market demand is a stochastic variable which brings difficulty for most profit by ordering right goods.
The wind velocity is the sole important meteorological factor in the formula calculating wind energy, it is a stochastic variable.
Usually you want every instantiation of a distribution to represent an uncorrelated stochastic variable, which means that you should a new engine for each one.
A discrete method for stochastic variable (features) space of class-conditional-probability density and estimation method for class-conditional -probability distribution is proposed.
As a new and developing research field, Set-valued variable and Set-valued stochastic process is not perfect both in theory and practical application, and need to be further explored and developed.
In order to decrease the computation, a reduction form is deduced to get the response of random multi-variables from single variable, and verified by Monte-Carlo stochastic FEM.
In the former two situations, the exit time is assumed to be a random variable and in the last situation the exit time is assumed to be a stochastic process.
The paper affirms the stochastic properties of household gas consumption, and then proves a random variable in normal distribution.
A virtual stochastic process is constructed so that the basic random variable becomes the value of the stochastic process at certain instants of time.
This essay deduces that the demanded container number in one port in a year is a normal school stochastic variable by analyzing the data.
The multi-suppliers purchasing-inventory problem are focused when the demand is tremendous and a single supplier can't meet the demand, in most cases, the demand is stochastic variable.
Asymptotic stability of the solution to a class of stochastic systems with variable delay is discussed.
Asymptotic stability of the solution to a class of stochastic systems with variable delay is discussed.