A striking point is that people accept these systems more easily once they have tried them.
Most striking is the emergence of a vigorous bunch called J Street, which declares itself "pro-Israel, pro-peace" but is far keener to see the Palestinian point of view.
But as the authors point out, this striking result disguises a more disturbing fact.
A symmetrical shot with strong composition and a good point of interest can lead to a striking image – but without the strong point of interest it can be a little predictable.
The focal point of a visit to Hangzhou is West Lake, a tranquil spot of striking beauty.
Unfortunately, Mr Obama's critics can also point to a striking record of failures.
As a striking key point of a book planned by International New Landscape, book launch will invite many famous media and real estate partners in the industry to celebrate the book publication.
The boom, made of logs chained together, was placed so that a ship striking it would be slowed down to the point that it could not break the chain.
The boom, made of logs chained together, was placed so that a ship striking it would be slowed down to the point that it could not break the chain.