On Sunday, several-thousand protesters even demonstrated against the strikes - an oddity in a country where walkouts usually evoke sentiments of "solidarity" against the authorities.
Earlier that morning, we had left our home in Bullhead City, Ariz., headed for the country around Oatman for a Sunday picnic.
That Sunday, people shouted angrily in the streets. 'Your Majesty,' said the Scots lords. 'Scotland is a Protestant country.
The arrests made a splash in neighborhoods around the country, as F.B.I. teams spent all Sunday night hunting through houses and cars, shining flashlights and carting away evidence.
At dawn Sunday, the sons drove him to the summit of Broadtop Mountain in Huntingdon Country. At 8 am, a buck ran out of the woods, and Brian pointed it out to his father.
上周日凌晨,特华纳的儿子开车将他和家人送往亨廷登县的Broad top山顶,大约上午8点左右,一头雄鹿突然从树林中蹿出,布莱恩立刻提醒父亲,老人瞬时扣动扳机,一枪击倒正在狂奔的猎物。
Dozens were still trapped in the mine on Sunday evening in the deadliest coal-mining accident in the country in more than a year.
Sunday, 5:02 a. m. : On a floating barge in the sea trying to get to some other country, just made it, the dogs are running all over the place but seem more like rodents.
Zelaya has sent a recorded message to a regional television station, indicating that he will be back in the country on Sunday.
The Philippines was chosen as the first country to celebrate the symbolic birth - feting a baby girl born late Sunday in Manila. The U.
Sunday, 5:02 a. m. : On a 5)floating barge in the sea trying to get to some other country, just made it, the dogs are running all over the place but seem more like 6)rodents.
Sunday, 5:02 a. m. : On a 5)floating barge in the sea trying to get to some other country, just made it, the dogs are running all over the place but seem more like 6)rodents.