December 2010 | London | Geneva - Today, WHO endorsed a new and novel rapid test for tuberculosis (TB), especially relevant in countries most affected by the disease.
Ordinary people are similarly attuned to questions of risk (“If you work with tuberculosis patients, then you must wear a mask, ” for example), and the Wason test shows this, too.
Ordinary people are similarly attuned to questions of risk (" If you work with tuberculosis patients, then you must wear a mask, "for example), and the Wason test shows this, too.
The tuberculin skin test lacks sensitivity in patients on hemodialysis. A more reliable means of screening for latent tuberculosis in this setting is needed.
The result shows that PCR is a simple, sensitive and rapid test for detecting the bacterial DNA and is helpful to the definite diagnosis of tuberculosis.
The result shows that PCR is a simple, sensitive and rapid test for detecting the bacterial DNA and is helpful to the definite diagnosis of tuberculosis.