A simple way to synchronize clocks among machines is to use a time server.
These include rotating log files so filesystems do not become full, backing up data, and connecting to a time server to keep your system time synchronized.
These answers will help you understand how many applications can be processed with an acceptable response time on a server.
For this example, the code only needs to perform a GET operation, requesting the time from a script on the server.
Installing business process support incurs a significant performance penalty in server startup time.
Add to that the time, effort, and risk associated with recompiling and redeploying that code to a production server every time the validation logic changes.
On the other hand, you also shouldn't have only one parameter document, unless you're certain that only one user at a time will use the server agent.
You could add a job and time how long it takes to be processed, starting a new server if the time is outside of a threshold.
Try to enable or disable one application at a time in a test server, to see which applications need to be active for the problem to occur.
With only 10-15% of a typical server in use at any given time, consolidating virtual servers onto a single physical server makes perfect sense.
A server identifies the run time environment that you want to use for testing.
This is a file that contains information about the state of the server at the time of a crash.
This is as we would expect, since the NTPD service requires the network to be available so that it can contact a local time server.
An example is synchronizing the system time to a Network time Protocol (NTP) server and then synchronizing the hardware clock to the system time.
使系统时间与Net workTimeProtocol (ntp)服务器同步然后让硬件时钟和系统时间同步就是一个这样的例子。
There are two ways to install the mediation module onto a WebSphere ESB run time server.
First, create a server run time for Tomcat 6.0 on Eclipse.
首先,为Eclipse上的Tomcat 6.0创建服务器运行时。
This is done for efficiency, so that this time-consuming operation is not performed on the server every time a message needs to be processed.
You must be able to measure and account for the varying workloads that occur on a production server over time, as these changes will impact your Numbers either positively or negatively.
The request stays alive on the server for a long time.
This wizard creates a new server and configuration at the same time.
If you do not receive a response from the server after a certain amount of time, then resend the message.
Migration of all the existing applications to a new LDAP server cannot be done on a short notice and usually takes time to configure the upgraded applications with a new LDAP server.
This would also be a good time to run the application on a server.
Over time, configuration for a server can change due to various issues, fixes, and troubleshooting.
Establishing a new connection from a client to a server takes significant time.
Intel have owned the desktop and server market for a long time.
You can specify the staff repository and its access parameters in your task model indirectly by entering the JNDI name of a staff plug-in configuration, available as a run time server resource.
Total time to launch a new database server and re-point the clients should be under 10 minutes from the time the fault is noticed.
They are also the most time-consuming queries run on a database server.
This time, let the server return a different kind of response.