So the breeder gave him to Jeremy Dingle, who soon realised that he had a special pup, now a top dog in the dachshund-racing[1] world.
On the rare occasion that you find a company that is both a top dog and a first mover, the chances are pretty good that you've found your next big winner...
A dog rescued off the Japanese coast floating on top of a house is on her way back to her owner Monday.
"I stayed for 30 minutes on the top of the mountain and took some pictures and left a picture of my dog, Pacu," Arayama said.
The runt of a litter of bulldogs, Tillman rose above his stature to take top dog by covering 100 meters in 19.678 seconds in a 2010 competition.
And while "the image of a happy dog hanging out of a car window is hard to top," says Gwendolyn Bounds at The Wall Street Journal, even that isn't safe.
He quotes, admiringly, Bill Clinton, who once said that America should use its primacy "to create a world in which we will be comfortable living when we are no longer top dog on the global block."
This phone was the top dog when it was released with a 550MHz TI OMAP chip. These days it's starting to feel a little sluggish.
This cat has chosen to sleep on top of a dog and weirdly, the dog doesn't seem to mind.
这只猫选择把自己的窝安在一只狗身上而奇怪的是,这只狗狗完全不介意。 缎。
It might be a good idea to make a chart, with the characteristics you want in a dog across the top, and different breeds of dog listed vertically on the side.
A wet towel does more good on the bottom of your dog than when laid on the top of its coat.
However, if you have a well-bred, top quality dog and the knowledge of how to bring out the best in it, you should be prepared to have the best dog you've ever known!
The team of dog and handler start at a post at the bottom of the trials field. the sheep are released at the top.
Move over David Beckham and David Gandy, because the world of male modelling has a new top dog - quite literally in the form of pet pooch Bodhi.
By 1967 America was top dog, with a 50% share.
Ex: "If you want a decision on that, you're going to have to get it approved by the top dog".
But in the United States, where pet vaccination and stray-dog-control programs are strong, rabies has a different face: Raccoons and skunks are by far the top four-legged viral hosts.
If you want to get back on top and cement the USA's position as being the top-dog, you wanted a little bit of a test.
With that, a scoop of French fries, dripping grease, would be flung into the bottom of a plain brown paper bag, a quickly wrapped hot dog would be unceremoniously flung directly on top.
This is a red-headed tricolor champion with some black sprinkled across the top of the skull. Often as the dog ages, the black on the head lessens.
Starting your career is a rookie; you need to earn respect out there before you can challenge the best of the best, work your way through an intense and engaging storyline to prove yourself top dog.
Starting your career is a rookie; you need to earn respect out there before you can challenge the best of the best, work your way through an intense and engaging storyline to prove yourself top dog.