When you are working with a translation memory, it really matters how long a segment is.
Usually, the client would pay for a translation memory and own it since they paid for the translations.
Translation memory improvement: Storage of new translations in a translation memory (TM) database for later reuse.
If a DITA topic has already been translated, the new translation compares the current DITA source to an existing DITA-based translation memory; so, all old content has an exact match in the memory.
SDL Trados Studio also captures new translations as they are created and can either add these to an existing translation memory or create a new one.
As mentioned before, memory addresses that are referred by a process are virtual addresses and require translation to the physical address.
TLB is used to try and retrieve translation work that has already occurred, and this is the first place the operating system will look for a process's translated memory segment.
It serves as the backing storage for the in-memory translation memory of a project.
The performance improvement is due to the reduction of Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) misses, which occurs because the TLB can now map to a much larger virtual memory range.
性能之所以得到了改进,是因为提高了TranslationLookasideBuffer (TLB)的命中率,这是因为TLB可以映射到更大的虚拟内存范围。
To help address translation, operating systems cache the translated memory addresses by a process called Translation Look-aside Buffering (TLB).
为了帮助地址转换,操作系统通过一个叫做转换后援缓冲(Translation Look-aside Buffering,TLB) 的进程来缓存已转换的内存地址。
Tony says, "This sounds like what the industry calls a 'Translation Memory'."
In order to optimize performance, including speed and the usage of its memory, CPU usually hires a Translation Lookaside Buffer(TLB) to translate the virtual address into physical address.
After translating a sentence, you can add it to the translation memory.
After translating a sentence, you can add it to the translation memory.