It's got a very good Business Centre.
Do a job, do a job like is a very good business.
But that doesn't make for a very good business case.
It is a very good business. Lubricants will be always around.
It is a very good business because you get your money so cheap.
It is a very good business, but the opportunity that I cannot see it grows quickly.
If you've got the power to raise prices without losing business to a competitor, you've got a very good business.
You might be able to build a very good business that meets all of your financial needs without raising a dime from anybody.
也许你尚未起步就需要资金; 也许你生意经营的非常好,完全能够自给自足,不需要向别人借一毛钱;
Aren't we old friends? We've had a very good business relationship over the past years, I suggest you make an appropriate reduction.
People need to derive some kind of benefits from the Delta so that they can ultimately look after the Delta, so tourism is a very good business.
Some "bad apples" also arrived there that make a very good business - we are not proud of it, but the movies themselves they are fantastic.
We've had a very good business relationship over the past years. I think this transaction would be more promising if you could make an appropriate reduction.
We've had a very good business relationship over the past years. I think this transaction would be more promising if you could make an appropriate reduction.
These are public service ads from the social nature of the decision to make public service ads can be a very good business and the public one of the channels of communication.
I'm sure you run a very good business and do your best to manage its various processes, however if some aspects aren't running as well and you think technology is the sole answer, you're wrong.
I I'm sorry to say we have to close business at that price. Aren't we old friends? We've had a very good business relationship over the past years, I suggest you make an appropriate reduction.
This is a very useful question for business English. Most people like to tell you about their company and this is a good way to start the conversation.
As an analysis language to help with the documentation of a business process, I think that BPMN is a very good option.
The few business people I know that are project managers... are very good, because they master project management as a core concept, and leave the technicalities to the experts.
"Business has been very good," Vuthy said, passing a bunch of fresh tomatoes to a customer with one hand, while taking money with the other.
It's a very good thing we only have three business rules because the runtime for apply_biz_rules is exponential.
幸亏我们只有三条业务规则,因为apply_biz _ rules的运行时是指数增长的。
Oxygen Gym owner Mazen Shkukani says proudly: "We do very good business. We are a very famous gym.
有氧健身房的老板MazenShkukani 自豪的说:“我们的生意非常好,我们是一家小有名气的健身房,我们的客户遍及耶路撒冷以及周边村庄。”
By the end of your first year in business, you should have a very good idea of which prospects are "talkers", which are "delayers" and which are "doers".
However, I'd say it is generally a very good thing for business and technical folks to work closely together so that these kinds of technical debt decisions are Shared by everyone.
The potential to earn a very good living operating a business only part of the year is a genuine opportunity, as proven by the thousands of people who are currently doing it.
Setting up this topology and getting a business module deployed is a very good exercise for getting started in the world of clustering.
Setting up this topology and getting a business module deployed is a very good exercise for getting started in the world of clustering.