"A Village of One Person" is not only Liu Liangcheng's collection of prose, but also an image his prose focused on.
In the village of Sukanagara, which has a population of 30,000, one person died and 198 houses were damaged.
In the village of Sukanagara, which has a population of 30, 000, one person died and 198 houses were damaged.
At least one person from each family should attend the activity under the big tree outside the village. Each participant should take a chicken, a bowl of rice and some wine.
Then person of village raise funds and make one coffin, bury girl and cut and shed half lift coffins with handle of a knife rope according to local custom, in where rope broken where.
Then person of village raise funds and make one coffin, bury girl and cut and shed half lift coffins with handle of a knife rope according to local custom, in where rope broken where.