If emerging Asia needs a warning of the dangers of relying on exports, it need look no further than Japan.
It is a warning about the dangers of employing management consultants.
The next section takes them high into the air, traversing the obstacles using ropes.The sign in the foreground is a stark warning of the dangers.
When he was about 11, he says, a police officer made several visits to his school to give warning of the dangers posed by illicit substances.
A growing number of researchers are warning about the dangers of watching TV when very young children are nearby.
The saying becomes a warning about the dangers of attacking people who are in more important positions than you are.
Then they saw that his head had been replaced with a bull's head, as a warning of the dangers greed and wickedness can cause.
The saying becomes a warning about the dangers of attacking people who are in more important positions than you are.
A hunter in Germany has put on show a block of ice containing a fox that he says fell into the chilly Danube and drowned, in what he calls a warning of the dangers of the icy river.
I do want to give a warning about the dangers of drinking too much water before a race. This is known as water intoxication or "hyponatremia," and it can be deadly.
During the circus he tended only to emergencies, and these were generally dispatched with the application of a cold compress to the forehead and a stern warning about the dangers of excessive drink.
A new Australian study debunking the wrong idea that cigarettes keep weight down is further warning about the dangers of smoking, an anti-smoking body says.
So that's a warning about the dangers of visualization and fantasy in goal-achievement, onto more positive findings about motivation and success in future posts.
The loudest voice warning about the dangers of endurance exercise may be that of James O'Keefe, a sports cardiologist and former elite triathlete.
Then, angrily aware of the harsh facts concerning the present and future dangers to the environment, she used her great skills as a writer to sound a startling warning to mankind.
Then, angrily aware of the harsh facts concerning the present and future dangers to the environment, she used her great skills as a writer to sound a startling warning to mankind.