He's after a more revered and rare creature: what the Gitga'at call mooksgm'ol, the spirit bear, a walking contradiction—a white black bear.
That’s why, last week, here at the White House, we released a new comprehensive report on the status of women in the spirit on the one that was released half a century ago.
The White Lady is not a friendly spirit.
Choose the white yulan to be Shanghai city flower symbolize a kind of pioneer spirit striving to make progress.
The emblem of Shanghai shows a white magnolia flower (the official city flower), a large junk and a propeller, all symbolizing the pioneering and enterprising spirit of the city.
This is why do they not criticize the White Mashui the spirit of a fun.
Flying up high in the blue sky, the kite seems like a little white spirit.
The personification of the spirit of Christmas, usually represented as a jolly, fat old man with a white beard and a red suit, who brings gifts to good children on Christmas Eve.
Black , white and gray can bedesigned in a transcendental to material characterized by its unique personality charmgave rise to the spirit, strength of feeling.
That's why, last week, here at the White House, we released a new comprehensive report on the status of women in the spirit on the one that was released half a century ago.
Can sin be lowered back down to "0" by getting killed by an arbiter spirit, while playing as a white/gold phantom?
The invention relates to a production method of brewed white spirit.
Only a short moment, that snake-like in shape white spirit imitates a Buddha to bear great pressure, supports not to live a body form and collapses to spread out.
I could compare my music to white light which contains all colors. Only a prism can divide the colors and make them appear; this prism could be the spirit of the listener.
He took down from the shelf a bottle of colourless liquid with a plain white label marked VICTORY GIN. It gave off a sickly, oily smell, as of Chinese rice-spirit.
One night, her brother is struck by a beam of white light - actually the spirit of Herman Hartmann from the 19th-century.
One night, her brother is struck by a beam of white light - actually the spirit of Herman Hartmann from the 19th-century.