"I'm getting twice the food for a whole lot less money," she said.
The property will be offered at auction very shortly, so you might buy it for a whole lot less than the advertised price.
The total cost of ownership is a whole lot less today because of the square footage we are printing, at the acquisition prices we are charging.
The footprint of the integrated product will in practice be smaller than something like Spring (but bigger than Guice), and will require a whole lot less configuration to use.
But Peck's Finch is a whole lot calmer, and better groomed, than Tracy's Darrow, just as Paul Newman's Frank Galvin, in "The Verdict" (1982), is less angry, if equally downcast.
And there are a whole lot of states that are accessible because the energies are less than kT.
So if this technology works, we would need a lot less uranium to create a whole lot more energy with far less nuclear waste.
They are also getting more efficient, which means they emit less heat, which makes engineering the whole display a lot easier.
I'd like the film a whole lot more if there was less singing in it.
I'd like the film a whole lot more if there was less singing in it.