There is, however, a wild card.
Irish farmers are a wild card.
The weather can be a wild card, too.
The advertisement is still a wild card.
They are considered a wild card generation.
Consumer prices could be a wild card for 2011.
Dai said this was a hope, though it was a wild card.
Andre Agassi accepted a wild card to play in the Stockholm Open.
The search will run as if a wild card is appended to the search term.
And abortion, until recently an electoral problem only for Ms Rousseff, is now a wild card.
The six-times world title-holder was given a wild card to the professional tour after winning her last 61 matches.
It will have a series of specs that include a priority number and a wild card expression to match a load name or names.
Earlier tenants had left behind a miscellany of items, among which we discovered a trivia game called Alaska Wild Card.
To enter a String value using the like operator, type directly into the value field using the % character as a wild card for a text pattern.
在使用like 操作符时,在Value框中直接输入字符串值并使用 %字符作为文本模式的通配符。
They are considered a wild card generation. They are very aggressive and outward looking and are pretty confident because they never felt hardship.
Romantically this is a wild card month, and because you have been through quite a bit with a relationship in 2009 and 2010, you may want to take things slow and easy.
Lahore-based Siddiqui runs the 100 and 200 metres but as a wild card entrant she is allowed to compete in only one event and so will be lining up for the 100m heats in Beijing.
Look. I have a straight of 3, 4, 6, 7 and the wild card for the 5.
While many snooker fans may easily list the prizes Ding has won, few of them know that he first entered the field as a 12 wild card.
Their 25 tremendous efforts finally paid off in April 2005, when Ding claimed the title of China Open champion as a wild-card 26 entrant.
You can use an underscore (Scala's standard wild card character) as a placeholder to catch any type of exception (really, to match any case in a pattern matching expression).
The variable will get updated with the Combo Box value (either with the largest city name when a specific city is selected or with the % wild card when All Cities is selected).
此变量将会使用组合框的值进行更新(或者是当选定一个特定城市时用最大城市的名字,或者是当所有城市被选择时用 %通配符)。
In several scenarios, such as a DN that exceeds the SSLPEER length or the need for wild-card matching, a channel exit is the only solution.
The American League Wild Card berth was a consolation prize, but it is much better than the alternative, which is watching the postseason from a great distance, on television.
Bang! is a wild west-themed card game designed by Emiliano Sciarra and released by Italian publisher DaVinci Editrice in 2002.
Bang! is a wild west-themed card game designed by Emiliano Sciarra and released by Italian publisher DaVinci Editrice in 2002.