The winning score of the third hand, if it is won by a player who has already scored in Games 1 and 2 is scored to his credit in all three games.
The 7-foot German forward, playing with a torn tendon in his left hand, notched Dallas' final nine points in a 24-point haul which included the winning layup with just three seconds left.
Reading responded by winning a succession of corners and Ivar Ingimarsson sent a header flashing just wide of Cech's left-hand post in the seventh minute.
Playing a hand with the intention of winning half a pot is a losing strategy in this game.
Instead, the female cashier explained that the 'winning' Numbers were, in fact, double-figure Numbers that had seen their right-hand-side Numbers omitted as a result of a misprint by the lottery.
But the Celtics, in the midst of a string of 11 championships in 13 seasons, continued to hold the upper hand, winning the series in six games.
PURE SAME: If a winning hand consists of pais of one Serial suit only, and regardless of any other description, it is called the Pure Same and awarded 6 fans.
Mixed Same: If a winning hand consists of the mix of one Serial suit and pais of the Honours only, and regardless of any other description, it is called the Mixed Same and awarded 3 fans.
The European Union banned Mauritania's award-winning camel cheese because the camels were milked by a pastoralist's hand, not by a gleaming machine.
The European Union banned Mauritania's award-winning camel cheese because the camels were milked by a pastoralist's hand, not by a gleaming machine.