In this case, there are no namespaces, and you get a basic, unadorned XML document containing only the data from the data model instance.
Validation is a process of checking whether the instance document satisfies structural, data type, and content constraints specified in the XML schema.
If you're writing an XML document editor, for instance, you'll want to stick to a document model rather than using data binding.
A second way to create instance data for your form is to use an XML document you already have somewhere on your file system.
The instance data driving an XForm is an XML document, optionally backed by a descriptive XML Schema that permits validation of the data.
驱动X Form的实例数据就是XML文档,该文档可由支持数据验证的描述性的XMLSchema进行支持。
The input to form generation can be an XML data instance with or without a backing XML Schema, or a WSDL document.
表单生成的输入可以是带有或不带有后端XMLSchema(或WSDL文档)的 XML数据实例。
The data model is an instance (a template) of an XML document.
The data model is an instance (a template) of an XML document.