None of the failures seemed to signal an immediate danger, so the Thales AA was not removed from service.
这些故障似乎都没有显示出迫在眉睫的危险,所以泰勒斯AA 型飞机并没有停止服役。
This could happen to any kind of pitot probe, but by the summer of 2009, the problem of icing on the Thales AA was known to be especially common.
这种情况可能发生在任何一种皮托管探测器上,但是到了2009年夏天,泰勒斯AA 型皮托管结冰的问题已经人尽皆知。
Sometimes the registration tracking to AA can be overwritten if you click to another affiliate, though I've always received both the rebate and the miles.
有时如果你点击到另一个分支机构的话,AA 上的注册信息会重复。不过,通常我都会既收到回馈,又得到里程奖励。
It's Day Seven of the encampment — they have AA meetings.
I'll call it AA, it's the interaction between two molecules of a.
Their goal: mini atomic clocks that can operate on AA batteries.
Aa its eyes moved, two beams of golden light shot towards the heavens.
They were produced by a French company, Thales, and the model was known as AA.
It wants to see illicit chang 'aa replaced with a safer commercial version.
They can be run on AA batteries, or batteries recharged using small solar arrays.
Find an AA group in your area. Join online forums where people are trying to quit.
Tobias compares a few core principles of AA which can apply to the scaling of scrum.
S&P is under fire from politicians for downgrading the United States from AAA to AA+.
标准普尔由于把美国主权信用评级从AAA调低为AA +而备受政界人士批评。
A screenshot of the proper format string for the parameter MMMM.dd.yyyy + '-' + hh: mm + aa.
按MMMM . dd .yyyy +'- ' +hh:mm + aa正确编排参数的字符串格式的屏幕快照。
I always log into AA last and purchase from the AA window to ensure I'll receive my miles.
Balloon AA Company has created a special balloon calendar that lightens up the mood in a stressful office.
The iMainGo 2 model runs on four AA batteries, while the iMainGo X uses a rechargeable lithium-ion battery.
Indeed, nearly 98% of countries ranked AAA were either at that rating, or the AA level, 15 years later.
The United States' credit rating was downgraded to AA+. Am I the only one who thinks that doesn't sound so bad?
If you use a set of fully charged AA size batteries to provide voltage and current they last only a few hours.
The rating agency also lowered its rating on Portugal, to a -; a day later it downgraded Spain from AA + to AA.
标准普尔也降低了葡萄牙的评级到A-;一天后它再次把西班牙的评级从AA +降低到AA。
The beauty of it is that you do not have to understand the complexities of secure AA access to a telecom HSS server.
The AA says such jams are mercifully rare in the UK, with a channel port disruption being its "very worst nightmare".
But analysts say relatively few investors would be forced to sell simply because the U.S. rating now is AA + rather than AAA.
但有分析师认为,相对而言,极少有投资者会仅仅因为美国的评级是AA +而非aaa,而被迫抛售债券。
Simon Douglas, director of AA Insurance, said: "Insurers are beginning to reflect concerns about climate change in their premiums."
BA and AA are seeking anti-trust immunity because it will enable them to squeeze existing Heathrow-US competitors off key routes.
Don't smoke a cigarette, for example, without Posting to your online quit forum. Don't have a drop of alcohol before calling your AA buddy.
Don't smoke a cigarette, for example, without Posting to your online quit forum. Don't have a drop of alcohol before calling your AA buddy.