The country boasts some of the world's largest companies: Vale is the biggest producer of iron ore, AB InBev is the biggest brewer and Marcopolo is a big producer of bus bodies.
LONDON (MarketWatch) — Earnings from Prudential, Q-Cells and AB Inbev encouraged investors shaken by the previous session's rout to dip a toe back into the European stock market on Thursday.
欧股周四开盘小幅上扬,摆脱前一交易日跌势,保诚保险、Q - Cells、百威英博等企业纷纷公布财报,鼓励投资者重返欧洲股市。
Heineken rose 1.5 percent to 37.35 euros and AB InBev climbed 1.7 percent to 43.79 euros.
Given the size of the two companies, AB InBev would have to agree to divestitures to obtain regulatory approval for a deal in multiple countries, including the US and China.
AB InBev China received the top award as "Low Carbon CSR Leader" due to the extraordinary environmental performance.
AB InBev China received the top award as "Low Carbon CSR Leader" due to the extraordinary environmental performance.