It perfealy integrared the world famous ABB robot arm and fiber laser welding macHine that can realize aucomated production t. the maximum.
Nie Liang, master degree, key client executive of welding application centre of ABB robotics division. He engages in program design and project management of robot welding for key clients.
聂亮,硕士,A BB机器人部焊接应用中心关键客户主管,从事机器人焊接方向关键客户的方案设计、项目管理等工作。
The machine is a concept robot that ABB created to show off their vision for a new kind of industrial robot.
这台机器是一个概念机器人,ABB 发明它用来展示他们对新一代工业机器人的设想。
The machine is a concept robot that ABB created to show off its vision for a new kind of industrial robot.
The machine is a concept robot that ABB created to show off its vision for a new kind of industrial robot.