As consumers get more of their news and information from the Internet, the ability of television and radio to get the word out to consumers will decrease.
The goldfish showed that not only could they store information, they also had the ability to get it back as a later date.
Get the kind of restful sleep that will increase one's ability to retain information.
Conversely, for content consumers, their main challenge is their ability to quickly get to the information in myriad categories offered by a multitude of content providers.
Information overload that confuses your focus and decreases your ability to make decisions and get things done.
Say "no" to incoming streams of information that are not furthering either your enjoyment of life or your ability to get things done.
Insiders get promotions that reflect their potential, because their bosses have enough information to be reasonably confident about their ability.
The applications are short and include a one-sentence project description, so the ability to get across information succinctly is key.
In decision making, intelligence is shown in the ability to get and apply information to solve a problem.
To college students, it is inevitable in the information ages to practice their ability of fast reading and realize the fact that they can get more useful information from books in unit time.
The boy has surprising ability to use all kinds of information, he can get important things happening in the world without efforts and his update frequency of his complicated techniques is unexpected.
Second, , using internet to get information is a way to practice our ability of thinking, judging and making choices.
Under the powerful ability of update, users don't have to search through the news, you can get the latest information.
Reflection is the ability for a program at run-time to get information about loaded type and assemblies.
I have no doubt that in the 21st century, the most important skill for any institution will be its ability to turn information into insight, and get that insight to the people who need it.
Thus sharpens the ability of the anti-oxidation forces and it would be also helpful to get more information about the role of APX playing in AsA-GSH cycle and its metabolism pathway.
In conclusion, in order to study well, do business successfully, or get more information, people should improve their ability of speaking rather than writing.
In conclusion, in order to study well, do business successfully, or get more information, people should improve their ability of speaking rather than writing.