At that time, my little brother was about four years old and he missed mum all the time.
When I was about four years old I had traveled by train.
They live to be about four years old, with both males and females dying soon after breeding.
One day, when I was about four years old, I was playing in the hedges behind our house with my sister, then six.
There is a little boy's pictures in my phone. He is very lovely, so I like he. Now, he is about four years old.
The woman, in her mid-30's and unremarkable looking in any other way, was staring full into the face of her daughter, who looked about four years old.
He says that by some estimates, laughter is a human ability that is about four million years old.
When I was about ten years old, four older friends and I decided to check it out.
Parents were quizzed about the types and frequency of the food and drink their children consumed when they were three, four, seven and eight and a half years old.
Parents were quizzed about the types and frequency of the food and drink their children consumed when they were three, four, seven and eight and a half years old. They were marked on a.
Recently Lady Gaga told People that starting when she was as young as four years old, her mother would put lipstick on her and talk to her about beauty.
最近Lady Gaga告诉《时人杂志》,从她4岁开始,她妈妈就给她涂口红并跟她谈她关于美丽的事情。
Being barely three or four years old, the Civics in question are unlikely to have done more than 75,000 miles (120,000km) at the very most—about half their expected life.
When I was about four or five years old, I remember sitting close to the radio in my living room, listening to my favourite programmes, and to the voices of my favorite presenters.
They start reading when they are about three or four years old.
He recollects drawing pictures from about the age of three or four years old.
Parents were quizzed about the types and frequency of the food and drink their children consumed when they were three four seven and eight and a half years old.
Parentss were quizzed about the types and frequency of the food and drink their children consumed when they were three, four, seven and eight and a half years old.
It was about four thousand years ago. Huangdi (Yellow Emperor) -the first legendary ruler in China went to the countryside to visit an old friend with his entourage.
It was about four thousand years ago. Huangdi (Yellow Emperor) -the first legendary ruler in China went to the countryside to visit an old friend with his entourage.