I have three part-time jobs, which bring in about $24,000 a year.
Many British teenagers have part-time jobs to earn a bit of money, but there are rules about how many hours they can work and what the minimum age is for certain jobs.
Several apprentices already had part-time jobs while they were in the program, and they continue to apply the lessons learned about management, social interaction, and technology.
When you think about it, part-time jobs are really just an extension of good parenting.
According to a recent survey, about 25 percent of college students now take part-time jobs, compared to nearly none ten years ago and this figure increases to 75 percent during summer vacation.
While the others worry about that taking part-time jobs may have negative effects on study.
According to the report about college students do part-time jobs, we will find, the direction of jobs is tutor, delivery, market research, typist and so on.
Instead of attending classes, students sleep, play computer games, study on their own, idle about and take part-time jobs.
According to a recent survey, about 25 percent of college students now take part-time jobs, compared with nearly none 10 years ago, and this figure increases to 75 percent during summer vacation.
About 40% university students have the part time jobs, and more than 90% students ever thought or planed to take part-time jobs. Obviously, different majors have the different salaries.
I was so happy when I came to know about this though it would be hard on my company's part as well as there were many jobs pending that time.
About 40%college students have comparatively stable part-time jobs, and over 90% once had or are going to do a part-time job.
About 40%college students have comparatively stable part-time jobs, and over 90% once had or are going to do a part-time job.