Germany is not about to walk away from Europe, nor to let the euro fail.
As Mother and I were about to walk away, the doorman told us that Hirt was sitting in his car reading just around the corner, and that only he could let me in.
As I was about to walk away, it came back on as the light in front of it flicked off. It did this in rapid succession down the hall towards me, faster and faster.
Then, when you want to leave the conversation, say something like,"Thanks for that perspective." Or "I'll have to think about that," and walk away or change the subject.
A reader of your article must be able to walk away with a set of actions to perform, a new theory to think about, or a thought-provoking question to answer.
So, when the argument starts, just let your spouse know that this issue isn't something your willing to argue about, and walk away. If the issue is that important you will get back to it eventually.
It would be important to walk away with one thought about all this. With the tax so high, tips were already included.
You may walk away from previous plans for an upcoming vacation or weekend getaway because it's hard for you to think about having fun when things at work are so serious.
I don't want to lose the momentum, so I'm not about to take time off from writing it in the sense that I don't want to walk away from it and come back.
I don't want to lose the momentum, so I'm not about to take time off from writing it in the sense that I don't want to walk away from it and come back.